Within the framework of corporate consultancy services, the needs of incorporations of commercial and personal companies, management of merger and takeover processes, running general secretary procedures as well as estimating all legal and managerial risks that can be encountered during commercial life, ensuring compliance with actual legal requirements, establishing trade relations within the framework of maximum legal safety are provided by the expert and experienced staff of Araz & Ünlüeser Law Office in Law on Contracts, International Law of Commerce, Companies Law, banking and finance.
Araz & Ünlüeser Hukuk Bürosu uluslararası danışmanlık hizmetleri kapsamında; yurt dışı şirket, şube ve irtibat bürosu kuruluşları ile oturma ve çalışma izinleri, vatandaşlık başvurularının çözümlenmesi, idari ve adli makamlarla iletişimin yürütülmesi, hukuki ve idari süreçlerin en temel adımdan itibaren takibinin sağlanması hizmetleri; Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk, Vatandaşlık Hukuku, Ulusal ve Uluslararası Ticaret Hukuku alanlarında yetkin avukat ve danışman kadro ile İstanbul merkez ve Berlin irtibat ofisleri vasıtasıyla yürütülmektedir.
With its expert & experienced attorney and consultant staff, the Araz & Ünlüeser Law Office ensures that its client are represented before judicial and administrative units in the most innovative and efficient manner during the resolution of disputes. Rights & interest are preserved in this direction through legal action and also, alternative methods of dispute resolution are also used for ensuring the maximum benefit. Service is mainly provided in the fields of Business Law, Law of Commerce, Execution & Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Law, Law of Inheritance, Real Estate Law, Administrative Law, Penal Law, Informatics Law and Law on Health; all problems that may be encountered by real/artificial persons in the commercial, social and legal areas are offered advanced solutions.